Quarantine Menu March 29 – April 4

Quarantine Menu March 29 – April 4

  • Post author:
  • Post category:Food
  • Post last modified:June 21, 2022
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Quarantine Menu March 29 – April 4: Week 3

March is now over and we are in full swing with April. Normally this time of year would involve A LOT of baseball. We would be at local minor league games, cheering on the Padres down in San Diego, or watching the Mets on tv. Instead, we are watching a lot of Mets classics game reruns, learning about blogging a bit more in depth from youtube because we could all afford to learn more about something, and walking the dogs whenever it isn’t raining.

What have you been doing?

Sunday March 29, 2020:

Costco Sausage and Penne in White Wine Garlic Sauce

Monday March 30, 2020:

Anthracite Salad

Tuesday March 31, 2020:

Cheese Steaks (we were so hungry this day I forgot to take pictures!)

Wednesday April 1, 2020:

BBQ Chicken with Mashed Potatoes and Green Beans (no pics, but self explanatory)

Thursday April 2, 2020:

Tamales with Refried Beans and Rice

Friday April 3, 2020:


Saturday April 4, 2020:

Ordered from Buffalo Wild Wings through Door Dash.

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