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  • Post category:Monthly Holidays
  • Post last modified:February 27, 2023
  • Reading time:36 mins read

July 2022 – Holidays and Observations

The first half of the year has ended, can you believe it?? July is here, the 7th month of the Gregorian calendar, named for Julius Caesar. In this post, we will be explaining some monthly, weekly, and daily holidays, celebrations, and observations. We chose these specific observations based on the topics of this site.

Below you’ll find some month, week, and daylong celebrations/observations (mostly US based). They are holidays/observations we’ve picked related to the content of this site. We may have missed some you think apply, and may have also added some you don’t think apply. But, these are the observations and celebrations we think deserve a spot on this post.

We will also mention ways you can participate in some of July’s celebrations/observations.

Check out our other side, deedni, for a list of Money/Tech/Business related holidays and observations in July.


Celebrate the following all month long. You’ve got 31 days!

Anti-Boredom Month

I can’t say I’ve ever been someone who’s been bored very much in life other than for a few moments. We all have plenty to do, it just depends on whether or not we WANT to do it. July celebrates this month because to many after July 4th, there isn’t much to do, it’s the hottest part of the summer for most, and school is still a few weeks away for many.

Find a task that stimulates your brain or body. Pick up a new book, organize a room, fill a box with items from around your house to donate to those less fortunate, rearrange an area of your house, do some exercises, go swimming, start reading on a new topic or learn a new language. Use the times where you would complain about being “bored” to better yourself and your life. You’ll pass the time and be better for it in the end!

Baked Bean Month

Baked beans are particularly popular this time of year as a side dish at many picnics, though they can be enjoyed all year long. Beans are high in fiber and protein, and are almost fat-free. They’re also a source of calcium, iron, folic acid, and potassium. So make your favorite baked beans recipe, or grab your favorite can off the shelves and enjoy alongside your burgers and dogs this month!

July is National Baked Beans Month

Blueberry Month

Blueberries are a great snack on their own, but they also make amazing desserts. Once only found as a wild berry, they are now more widely available since the early 1900s. This date was founded by the National American Blueberry Council, and has been recognized since 2003.

Culinary Arts Month

July celebrates professional cooks and chefs, honoring the best in the industry and most recent culinary trends. Try a new recipe this month to try your hand at the Culinary arts. We’ve got plenty for you to choose from.

Grilling Month

Burgers, Hot Dogs, Veggies, Kebabs, Shrimp, all amazing things you can grill. July celebrates one of the greatest ways to cook a delicious meal. One of our favorite grilled items? Pineapple. Try it. Go ahead.

Horseradish Month

While it may be new to some, we were raised with horseradish. This makes sense since it is native to eastern Europe. If you haven’t had it, think of something with a similar kick to wasabi. The roots were traditionally used as a medicine for paint relief, food poisoning, and other ailments. I’ve always found eating a small amount to be great for helping to clear out sinuses.

We love horseradish with meat, added to sour cream and other herbs to be used as a topping for steak or minced and served with kielbasa. It would also be great mixed with sour cream and parsley served inside a baked potato. Give it a try today and let us know what you think!

Hot Dog Month

Coinciding with Grilling Month, July celebrates National Hot Dog Month. National Hot Dog Day Falls on July 20th!

Hot dogs or their likeness are eaten around the world. I found this image years ago, and have been wanting to try as many varieties as possible.

Hot Dogs around the World.  July is National Hot Dog Month Try one Today!  Image Credit - Food Republic.
Image Credit – Food Republic

What do you think? Which one are you willing to try, or how do you like your hotdogs?

Ice Cream Month

What better way to cool down than with an ice cream cone! July celebrates National Ice cream month. Early (not earliest) records of ice cream date back to AD 54-68 during the reign of Nero of Rome. Ice was harvested and flavored with honey and other flavorings. In the US, first records of ice cream appear in a letter from 1744, at that time though it was only a special treat for the wealthy.

Be sure to note specific ice cream celebration days on July 1, 17, and 23!

What’s your favorite Ice Cream flavor? Let us know in the comments!

Peach Month

Celebrate the delicious peach throughout July with National Peach month! California leads the nation in peach production with the other top producers being Georgia, South Carolina, and New Jersey. Use frozen peaches to make peach ice cream to celebrate with on July 17th!

Picnic Month

The word picnic is French in origin, coming from the word piquenique. A great way to enjoy the outdoors or a sporting event tailgate is via picnics. Enjoy a meal with others in the fresh air!

weeklong observations

MLB All-Star Week

Major League Baseball All Star Week takes place every July. During this time fans vote on the players they wish to see represent their individual leagues in a best of the best event. The whole week has events within the chosen city to hold the event. We went back in 2016 when it was held in San Diego. This year the game will take place on July 19th in Los Angeles at Dodger Stadium. There are events for fans to attend in the days prior. Which player(s) are you rooting for to be a part of the roster for the 2022 MLB All Star Game?

We are hoping for one of our former host sons, David Bednar (2017, 2018) to be representing the Pittsburgh Pirates and the National League as a relief pitcher this year.

David Bednar — Photo credit: MLB.com

UPDATE – David Bednar was the representative from the Pittsburgh Pirates in the 2022 All Star Game. He pitched a scoreless 9th inning, and although the American League took the win, it was a fantastic game and we are super proud of David and his accomplishments.

National, International, and World Days

July 1

  • National Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day – Forget about Vanilla and Chocolate, July 1st celebrates National Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day. We’re talking jalapeno strawberry, cheese, and salted butter sweet corn. The latter of those three is available at Mitchell’s Ice Cream in downtown Cleveland, Ohio. So whatever your crazy flavor combination might be, there’s probably an ice cream shop that has it!
  • National Gingersnap Day – Combine molasses, cloves, ginger, cinnamon, and brown sugar for the unforgettable taste of the gingersnap cookie. A treat that has been enjoyed for generations, gingersnaps are celebrated on July 1st.

July 2

  • National Anisette Day – A licorice tasting liquor, Anisette is derived from the Aniseed. This drink is popularly enjoyed by sipping but can be found in cocktails as well.
July 2 is National Anisette Day

July 3

  • Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus / Дзень Незалежнасці Рэспублікі Беларусь- Also known as Republic Day or Liberation Day, July 3rd in Belarus marks the day of liberation of Belarus from the Nazis. *Source – Independence Day (Belarus) from Wikipedia.
  • National Chocolate Wafer Day – Chocolate Wafers, one of my favorite cookies, have been made in the US since the mid 1800s. Each wafer layer has a waffle surface pattern with a creamy chocolate filling in between. I remember often getting them in a three flavor pack with strawberry and vanilla wafers.
  • National Eat Your Beans Day – As stated above for Baked Bean Month, beans are an excellent source of protein, iron, fiber, and more. So, pick your favorite beans and make your favorite bean recipe be it baked beans, refried beans, hummus, bean salad, bean soup, and whatever else you enjoy.
  • National Fried Clam Day – Iconic in the New England states, Fried Clams are clams dipped in milk, coated with a flour, and then deep fried. Squeeze some lemon juice on them to enhance the flavor and serve alongside your favorite beer, wine, or champagne.
  • International Plastic Bag Free Day – This day encourages people to cut down on their use of plastic bags. About 127 countries regulate plastic bags in some way.  Each year, 8 million metric tons of plastic end up in the ocean harming fish and wildlife. When plastic enters the food chain, it can also harm human health.

July 4

  • United States of America Independence Day – July 4th in the United States commemorates the ratification of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. This document declared that the 13 colonies were now united and free from the British Monarchy. All over the United States people attend fireworks displays, have picnics, barbeques, attend baseball games, and more. How do you celebrate the 4th? *Source – Independence Day (United States) on Wikipedia

4th of July Independence Day Parade 2014 DC (14466486678).jpg
By S Pakhrin from DC, USA – 4th of July Independence Day Parade 2014 DC CC BY 2.0, Link

  • National BBQ Spareribs Day – Perfectly timed on the 4th of July, National BBQ Spareribs Day celebrates this popular grilled dish.
  • National Caesar Salad Day – One of the most popular salads, the Caesar Salad is celebrated on July 4th. The dressing’s main ingredients include raw (or coddled) egg and Worcestershire sauce. Add to that parmesan, dijon mustard, and lemon juice. Serve this dressing on top of a bed of romaine lettuce and top with croutons and freshly grated parmesan cheese. Enjoy a Caesar Salad with your BBQ Spareribs.
July 4th is National Caesar Salad Day

July 5

  • Cabo Verde Independence Day – On July 5th 1975, Cabo Verde was granted Independence from Portugal. *Source – Cape Verde from Wikipedia
  • Venezuela Independence Day / Cinco de Julio – Venezuela declared independence from the Spanish crown on July 5th 1811. Residents spend time with family on this day, government offices and schools are closed. There are also parades in various cities. *Source – Independence Day (Venezuela)
  • National Apple Turnover Day – Apple Turnovers are like personal apple pies. They’ve been around in the US since the 17th century and some form are available in many cultures throughout the world.
  • National Graham Cracker Day – Summer is perfect to recognize the Graham Cracker, put them together with marshmallows, chocolate, and a fire and you’ve got yourself a sweet and sticky snack. These crackers were invented by Sylvester Graham in the early 1800s. Originally they were made from whole wheat graham flour with added bran and wheat germs and were believed to curb sinful cravings. Little did the inventor know they’d be part of one of the most sinfully delicious snacks there is!

July 6

  • Comoros Independence Day – Comoros declared Independence from France on July 6, 1975 naming Ahmed Abdallah it’s first president. He would be removed from office less than a month later. *Source – Comoros on Wikipedia
  • Malawi National Day – Colonized by the British in 1891, the African nation of Malawi declared independence from the United Kingdom on July 6th 1964. Prior to this it was called Nyasaland. *Source – Malawi on Wikipedia
  • National Fried Chicken Day – Deep-frying chicken in fat was brought to the southern United States by Scottish immigrants. This is one of the favored ways to enjoy chicken and is a staple across the country.
July 6 is National Fried Chicken Day

“The best comfort food will always be greens, cornbread and fried chicken.”

Poet, Maya Angelou
  • National Hand Roll Day – Stop by your favorite sushi restaurant, or try at home, because July 6th celebrates National Hand Roll Day. This roll of nori is filled with rice, fish, or veggies.

July 7

  • Solomon Islands Indpendence Day – As part of the Solomon Islands Act of 1978, the Solomon Islands gained Independence from the United Kingdom on July 7, 1978. They became part of Her Majesty’s Dominions with the first Prime Minister being named as Sir Peter Kenilorea of the Solomon Islands United Party and Queen Elizabeth II becoming Queen of Solomon Islands. *Source – Solomon Islands on Wikipedia
  • National Dive Bar Day –
  • National Macaroni Day –
  • National Strawberry Sundae Day –
  • World Chocolate Day –

July 8

  • National Chocolate with Almonds Day –
  • National Freezer Pop Day –

July 9

  • Palau Constitution Day – Celebrating the anniversary of the ratification of their Constitution in 1981, Palau celebrates on July 9th. *Source – Honorary Consulate – General of Palau in Belgium
  • National Sugar Cookie Day –
  • World Kebab Day –
July 9th is National Kebab Day

July 10

  • Bahamas Independence Day – The Bahamas were officially declared a fully independent nation on July 10, 1973. The Bahamas joined the Commonwealth of Nations the same day. The country would be led by Sir Lynden O. Pindling, with Elizabeth II as its queen. *Source – The Bahamas on Wikipedia
  • National Pina Colada Day –

July 11

  • National 7-Eleven Day –
  • National Blueberry Muffin Day –
  • National Mojito Day –
  • National Rainier Cherry Day –

July 12

  • São Tomé and Príncipe National Day – With the push of the Movement for the Liberation of São Tomé and Príncipe (MLSTP), the country achieved independence from Portugal on July 12, 1975. The country’s first President was MLSTP Secretary General Manuel Pinto da Costa. *Source – São Tomé and Príncipe on Wikipedia
Sao Tome Banana Beach
Banana Beach in São Tomé and Príncipe
  • Kiribati National Day –
  • Eat Your Jello Day –
  • National Pecan Pie Day –
  • National Simplicity Day –

July 13

  • Montenegero National Day –
  • National Beans ‘N’ Franks Day –
  • National French Fry Day –

July 14

  • France National Day –
  • National Grand Marnier Day –
  • National Mac & Cheese Day –

July 15

  • National Gummi Worm Day –
July 15 is National Gummi Worm Day
  • National Tapioca Pudding Day –

July 16

  • Iraq National Day –
  • National Corn Fritters Day –
  • National Personal Chefs Day –

July 17

  • National Peach Ice Cream Day –
  • National Ice Cream Day –

July 18

  • National Caviar Day –
  • National Sour Candy Day –

July 19

  • National Daiquiri Day –
July 19th is National Daiquiri Day

July 20

  • Columbia National Day –
  • National Fortune Cookie Day –
  • National Lollipop Day –
  • National Hot Dog Day –

July 21

  • Belgium National Day –
  • National Junk Food Day –

July 22

  • National Mango Day –
  • National Penuche Fudge Day –

July 23

  • Egypt National Day –
July 23rd is Egypt's National Day
  • National Vanilla Ice Cream Day –

July 24

  • National Drive Thru Day –
  • National Tequila Day –

July 25

  • National Hot Fudge Sundae Day –
  • National Wine & Cheese Day –

July 26

  • Liberia National Day –
  • Maldives National Day –
  • National Bagelfest Day –
  • National Coffee Milkshake Day –

July 27

  • National Crème Brûlée Day –
July 27th is National Creme Brulee Day
  • National Scotch Day –

July 28

  • Peru National Day –
  • National Milk Chocolate Day –
  • Waterpark Day –
  • National Refreshment Day –
  • National Chili Dog Day –

July 29

  • National Chicken Wing Day –
  • National Lasagna Day –

July 30

  • Morocco National Day –
  • Vanuatu National Day –
July 30 - Vanuatu National Day
Iririki Island in Vanuatu
  • National Cheesecake Day –

July 31

  • National Avocado Day –
  • National Raspberry Cake Day –

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Information regarding Country National Days is cited under each country entry. See the Source original sites here:

All other information comes from National Day Calendar. For more celebrations this month, check them out!

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