

  • Post author:
  • Post category:Monthly Holidays
  • Post last modified:November 13, 2023
  • Reading time:11 mins read

November 2022 – Holidays and Observations

The middle “BER Month”, it’s November!

Below you’ll find some (mostly US based) month, week, and daylong celebrations/observations. We picked those we think fit the content of this site. Maybe we missed some, maybe we added some you don’t think belong. Let us know!

I will be filling these in as soon as possible so you can learn more about each observance or holiday, but for now just enjoy the list.

Check out our other side, deedni, for a list of Money/Tech/Business related holidays and observations in November.


Banana Pudding Lovers Month

Gluten Free Diet Awareness Month

Fun with Fondue Month

Gratitude Life Writing Month

Peanut Butter Lovers Month

Pepper Month

Pomegranate Month

Raisin Bread Month

Roasting Spinach and Squash Month

Sweet Potato Awareness Month

Vegan Month

weeklong observations

National Fig Week

National Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week

Global Entrepreneurship Week

National, International, and World Days

November 1

  • National Calzone Day
  • National Vinegar Day
  • National Cinnamon Day
  • National Deep Fried Clams Day
  • World Vegan Day

November 2

  • National Deviled Eggs Day

November 3

  • National Sandwich Day
  • National Men Make Dinner Day

November 4

  • National Candy Day
  • International Stout Day

November 5

  • National Donut Day

November 6

  • National Nachos Day

November 7

  • National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day
  • International Merlot Day

November 8

  • National Cappucino Day
  • National Harvey Wallbanger Day

November 9

  • National Scrapple Day

November 10

  • National Vanilla Cupcake Day

November 11

  • National Sundae Day
  • International Tempranillo Day

November 12

  • National French Dip Day
  • National Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day

November 13

  • National Indian Pudding Day
  • Wine Tourism Day

November 14

  • National Pickle Day
  • National Spicy Guac Day

November 15

  • National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day
  • National Raisin Bran Cereal Day
  • National Spicy Hermit Cookie Day

November 16

  • National Fast Food Day

November 17

  • National Baklava Day
  • National Butter Day
  • National Homemade Bread Day
  • National Take a Hike Day
  • International Happy Gose Day

November 18

  • National Vichyssoise Day

November 19

  • National Carbonated Beverage with Caffeine Day

November 20

  • National Butter Fudge Day

November 21

  • National Gingerbread Cookie Day
  • National Stuffing Day

November 22

  • National Cranberry Relish Day

November 23

  • National Cashew Day
  • National Eat a Cranberry Day
  • National Espresso Day
  • Tie One On Day

November 24

  • Thanksgiving Day (US)
  • National Sardines Day

November 25

  • National Parfait Day

November 26

  • National Cake Day

November 27

  • National Bavarian Cream Pie Day
  • National Craft Jerky Day

November 28

  • National French Toast Day

November 29

  • National Day of Giving

November 30

  • National Mas Jar Day
  • National Mousse Day

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Unless otherwise noted, information comes from National Day Calendar. For more celebrations this month, check them out!

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