

  • Post author:
  • Post category:Monthly Holidays
  • Post last modified:February 27, 2023
  • Reading time:11 mins read

January 2023 – Holidays and Observations

Happy New Year! January is here once again! We begin a new year, and have a clean slate ahead of us with another year of memories to create.

Below you’ll find some (mostly US based) month, week, and daylong celebrations/observations. We picked those we think fit the content of this site. Maybe we missed some, maybe we added some you don’t think belong. Let us know!

I will be filling these in as soon as possible so you can learn more about each observance or holiday, but for now just enjoy the list.

Check out our other side, deedni, for a list of Money/Tech/Business related holidays and observations for January.


Soup Month

Slow Cooking Month

Hot Tea Month

Oatmeal Month

Menudo Month

Sunday Supper Month

weeklong observations

Diet Resolution Week

First Week in January.

National Mocktail Week

Second Week in January.

National Pizza Week

Begins the second Sunday in January.

National Healthy Weight Week

Third week in January.

Fresh Squeezed Juice Week

Begins the third Sunday in January.

Meat Week

Begins last Sunday in January.

National, International, and World Days

January 1

  • National Bloody Mary Day
  • National Hangover Day
  • National Polar Bear Plunge Day

January 2

  • National Buffet Day
  • National Cream Puff Day

January 3

  • National Chocolate Covered Everything Day
  • National Drinking Straw Day

January 4

  • National Spaghetti Day

January 5

  • National Keto Day
  • National Whipped Cream Day

January 6

  • National Bean Day
  • National Shortbread Day

January 7

  • National Tempura Day
  • National Play Outside Day – First Saturday of every month.

January 8

  • National English Toffee Day
  • National Sunday Supper Day

January 9

  • National Apricot Day

January 10

  • National Bittersweet Chocolate Day
  • Shop for Travel Day

January 11

  • National Milk Day

January 12

  • National Curried Chicken Day
  • National Marzipan Day

January 13

  • National Peach Melba Day

January 14

  • National Hot Pastrami Sandwich Day

January 15

  • National Bagel Day
  • National Strawberry Ice Cream Day

January 16

  • National Fig Newton Day

January 17

  • National Bootleggers Day
  • National Hot Buttered Rum Day

January 18

No Food/Drink Holidays today.

January 19

  • National Popcorn Day
  • World Quark Day

January 20

  • National Buttercrunch Day
  • National Cheese Lovers Day

January 21

No Food/Drink Holidays today.

January 22

No Food/Drink Holidays today.

January 23

  • National Pie Day

January 24

  • Beer Can Appreciation Day
  • National Peanut Butter Day

January 25

  • National Irish Coffee Day

January 26

  • National Green Juice Day
  • National Peanut Brittle Day

January 27

  • National Chocolate Cake Day

January 28

  • National Blueberry Pancake Day

January 29

  • National Corn Chip Day

January 30

  • National Croissant Day

January 31

  • National Hot Chocolate Day
  • Plan for Vacation Day

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Unless otherwise noted, information comes from National Day Calendar. For more celebrations this month, check them out!

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