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  • Post category:Monthly Holidays
  • Post last modified:March 1, 2023
  • Reading time:11 mins read

FEbruary 2023 – Holidays and Observations

2023 is in full swing! It’s February, don’t blink because the year’s shortest month will be over before you know it. But don’t think this holiday is missing out on it’s share of celebrations!

In this post you’ll find some (mostly US based) month, week, and daylong celebrations/observations. We picked those we think fit the content of this site. Maybe we missed some, maybe we added some you don’t think belong. Let us know!

I will be filling these in as soon as possible so you can learn more about each observance or holiday, but for now just enjoy the list.

Check out our other side, deedni, for a list of Money/Tech/Business related holidays and observations for February.


National Fasting February

National Hot Breakfast Month

National Cherry Month

National Bake for Family Fun Month

National Canned Food Month

National Black History Month

National Grapefruit Month

National Snack Food Month

Great American Pies Month

weeklong observations

Freelance Writers Appreciation Week

National Feeding Tube Awareness Week

Great American Pizza Bake

Pride in Food Service Week

National Jell-O Week

National Kraut & Frankfurter Week

National, International, and World Days

February 1

  • National Baked Alaska Day
  • National Dark Chocolate Day

February 2

  • National Heavenly Hash Day
  • National Tater Tot Day

February 3

  • National Carrot Cake Day
  • Bubble Gum Day

February 4

  • National Homemade Soup Day
  • Ice Cream for Breakfast Day

February 5

  • World Nutella Day

February 6

  • National Chopsticks Day
  • National Frozen Yogurt Day

February 7

  • National Fettuccini Alfredo Day

February 8

No Food/Drink Holidays today.

February 9

  • National Bagel & Lox Day
  • National Pizza Day

February 10

  • National Cream Cheese Brownie Day

February 11

  • National Peppermint Patty Day

February 12

  • National Plum Pudding Day
  • National Pork Rind Day

February 13

  • National Cheddar Day
  • National Tortellini Day

February 14

  • National cream Filled Chocolates Day
  • National Ferris Wheel Day

February 15

  • National Gumdrop Day

February 16

  • National Almond Day

February 17

  • National Cabbage Day
  • National No One Eats Alone Day

February 18

  • National Crab Stuffed Flounder Day
  • National Drink Wine Day

February 19

  • National Chocolate Mint Day

February 20

  • National Cherry Pie Day
  • National Muffin Day

February 21

  • National Grain Free Day
  • National Sticky Bun Day
  • Fastnacht Day
  • Fat Tuesday
  • Paczki Day
  • National Pancake Day

February 22

  • National Cook a Sweet Potato Day
  • National Margarita Day
  • National Supermarket Employee Day

February 23

  • National Banana Bread Day
  • National Chili Day
  • National Toast Day

February 24

  • National Tortilla Chip Day
  • Tartar Sauce Day
  • Skip the Straw Day

February 25

  • National Chocolate Covered Nuts Day
  • National Clam Chowder Day

February 26

  • National Pistachio Day

February 27

  • National Kahlua Day
  • National Strawberry Day

February 28

  • National Chocolate Souffle Day

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Unless otherwise noted, information comes from National Day Calendar. For more celebrations this month, check them out!

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