Cafe Du Monde

  • Post category:Non Alcoholic
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  • Reading time:6 mins read
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Cafe Du Monde - Chicory and Coffee Blend from New Orleans I've said on this blog before that I'm a big Mark Wiens fan. His videos have inspired me to search for a variety of foods, most notably my favorite Moroccan Inspired Cucumber Salad. In a video I recently watched of…


  • Post category:Monthly Holidays
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  • Reading time:12 mins read
Continue ReadingMarch

March 2023 - Holidays and Observations March! Spring and longer days are their way! In this post you’ll find some (mostly US based) month, week, and daylong celebrations/observations. We picked those we think fit the content of this site. Maybe we missed some, maybe we added some you don't think belong.…

Sloppy Joe

  • Post category:FoodRecipes
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  • Reading time:9 mins read
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Sloppy Joe - A Childhood Classic We recently thought of something neither of us has had in quite some time, Sloppy Joe. As soon as I brought it up, Matt told me to text a friend of his for his recipe. Adding, that this friend always made it for parties. For…


  • Post category:Monthly Holidays
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  • Reading time:11 mins read
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FEbruary 2023 - Holidays and Observations 2023 is in full swing! It's February, don't blink because the year's shortest month will be over before you know it. But don't think this holiday is missing out on it's share of celebrations! In this post you’ll find some (mostly US based) month, week,…

Everything Smoothie

Continue ReadingEverything Smoothie

Everything Smoothie - A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That I wasn't very creative in naming this smoothie. In fact, it came about as a need to use some fruits and vegetables, and SPOILER - it was DELICIOUS! So here I present my "hey let's put this together"…


  • Post category:Monthly Holidays
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  • Reading time:11 mins read
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January 2023 - Holidays and Observations Happy New Year! January is here once again! We begin a new year, and have a clean slate ahead of us with another year of memories to create. Below you’ll find some (mostly US based) month, week, and daylong celebrations/observations. We picked those we think…