What started it all, discovering the world through our kitchen. Recipes and Restaurant posts as we learn and grow in our culinary skills and broaden the horizons of our personal palettes.

Our goal is to eventually make a meal inspired by every country in the world. If you’ve got a recipe for us to try, maybe a playlist of your favorite music from a particular country, be sure to let us know below in the comments!!!

In order to fully appreciate what we are making, and know if we are heading in the right direction, we venture out to different restaurants. Have a restaurant recommendation? Let us know in the comments!
A few years ago between the two of us, we could make spaghetti, pasta salad, and tacos. That was about it. Boy how times have changed! The foods and flavors we have discovered since 2017 has been such a rewarding experience. Lora likes to learn about each country as she goes and finds folk music from that part of the world to immerse her in the full experience.
Living in Southern California, we are blessed to have so many different restaurants around us from all around the globe. This has aided and influenced our meal choices a bit. This has also opened up options for us when traveling that we aren’t just waiting for pizza or burgers all the time like we always did before.
We hope that you will enjoy taking this journey with us and share your own experiences, recipes, and suggestions for food and drink for us to try.
Recent food posts
- Sloppy Joe
- Ras El Hanout – Moroccan Spice Blend
- Slater’s 50/50 – Riverside, CA
- Potato Recipes Around the World
- 18 Folds
- Cheesy Chicken Chimichangas
Food Map
Find a country on the map that we’ve enjoyed a meal from. The full list is included our Journey Around the World via Food post, explaining this entire adventure of ours.
We recently posted about some of our favorite food accounts to follow. Those who inspire and entertain us, and keep me going on days where I just don’t feel like writing or cooking. We hope you’ll check them out too.
Beryl Shereshewsky
Beryl is one of my more recent discoveries. She had a following prior to starting her own channel from her previous job at Great Big Story. While I hate to admit I haven’t seen any of those videos yet, I think I’ve seen each of the videos on her channel 2-3 times. Beryl is discovering the world through food like we are.
Followers of her channel submit recipes and the stories behind why these are important to them. Beryl recreates these recipes and gives her opinion. There are many videos of her saved within my youtube playlists for future ideas for us. It is nice for me to see someone discovering the world through their kitchen like we set out to do back in 2017.
Check out her YouTube channel where you can also find all her social accounts.
Mark Wiens – Migrationology
Mark Wiens travels the globe in search of the best food and experiences on this planet. From restaurants to home cooked meals in the homes of friends he meets along the way. He always gives a very detailed description of what he is eating so that you can almost experience it yourself. My favorite video of his however, is when he gave his home tour so we could get a view of his life.
Join 8.8 million others and subscribe to his YouTube channel!
Dimitra’s Dishes
If you’ve been on our site, you know that our decision to start our world discovery of food was after attending a Greek Festival near us. Dimitra’s site and youtube focus on Greek dishes. She breaks down the cooking techniques and recipes so that anyone can follow and step outside of their kitchen and cooking boundaries. Her moussaka video is what inspired me to finally make this dish! I enjoy watching her videos (usually binge watching them) and getting ideas for meals at home.
Check out a few of her videos and you’ll be hooked, just like we are.
History Channel/Sohla El-Waylly – Ancient Recipes with Sohla
I discovered Sohla from videos with a previous job. Youtube then recommended a video to me with her new channel through the History Channel. Sohla does the research and recreates the original versions of dishes, or popular dishes from different eras in history. My favorite of her videos was her recreation of what would have been eaten at the Last Supper.
Her videos are available as a playlist through the History Channel on YouTube.
Emmy’s does a variety of recipes. From dishes around the world, to different takes on food we love like burgers, to different methods of cooking different foods. Not only is she informative but she is entertaining. My personal favorite was her recreation of the Fluff Screamer Burger from Tony’s Luncheon in Girardville, PA. Girardville is in Schuylkill County where Matt and I grew up. We have made and posted about it ourselves. Just need to get that super spicy chili recipe down.
Watch some of her YouTube channel, I’m sure you’ll adore her as much as we do.